JAC x 2

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21/07/2010 09:56pm
18 months this time, gets worse and worse which has just been pointed out to me by Sonicxtacy02
So what's happened in all that time?
Well for a start the Trafficcams, gas price and petrol price plugins were converted to CentraFuse 2 plugins. Then CF3 came out and as I had also done plugins for German and French fuel prices I did a combined FuelPrices plugin for CF3. And for good measure I have now thrown Austalian petrol prices into it. CFTrafficCams for CF3 is on it's way
The 2010 World Cup has been and gone and England did a typical nose dive. I did one of my usual prediction spreadsheets for it.
Oh and I've got myself another car, BMW 330 Convertible, so the planning begins again to put a PC in this one.
As for the old Car, well the Steering wheel MF retofit has been completed, TPMS and PDC's have also been added
Confusion Says : |
21/07/2010 09:56pm
18 months this time, gets worse and worse which has just been pointed out to me by Sonicxtacy02
So what's happened in all that time?
Well for a start the Trafficcams, gas price and petrol price plugins were converted to CentraFuse 2 plugins. Then CF3 came out and as I had also done plugins for German and French fuel prices I did a combined FuelPrices plugin for CF3. And for good measure I have now thrown Austalian petrol prices into it. CFTrafficCams for CF3 is on it's way
The 2010 World Cup has been and gone and England did a typical nose dive. I did one of my usual prediction spreadsheets for it.
Oh and I've got myself another car, BMW 330 Convertible, so the planning begins again to put a PC in this one.
As for the old Car, well the Steering wheel MF retofit has been completed, TPMS and PDC's have also been added
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06/01/2009 10:08pm
Well again it's taken me 12 months to put an update on the front page. Am I lazy or busy? (You decide)
Anyway what have I done, well the site that the GasPrices code of RoadRunner was using changed their site to using images for prices instead of text, which made the code useless. However another site was found and because I was already trying to code a UK version I decided to make a proper RRPlugin. Thus RRGas and RRPetrol were born.
Now that I was more familiar with the RRPlugin structure I decided to convert two of my VB6 programs to proper RoadRunner plugins. So we now have RRTrafficCam and RRUpd8. And going the other way I released th UK Fuel Prices 'Petrol' as a standalone exe. I am now in the process of converting the RoadRunner plugins to Centrafuse, this means learning VB .net (Urgh!)
The forum has been upgraded from phpbb2 to phpbb3, which has allowed me to clean up the main index.
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11/01/2008 4:45am
Over a year to update the front page news. What am I like?
Well I have been busy with tweaking the site and the forum, plus adding to the portfolio of programs and plugins. I am now currently working on a simple GPS tracking solution that can be added to both FreeDrive and Access Control, plus a standalone client.
Although England didn't make it to the Euro 2008 finals, I have started work on the Euro 2008 Spreadsheet and hope to have it available by the end of the month.
Program page has now been split so each program has it's own dedicated page. Clicking on the Programs button on the left will take you to a randomly selected program, where seperate buttons can take you to any of the programs.
Will gradually move the skins, projects and spreadsheets and possibly the carputer to the same format over the next few months.
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06/10/06 10:25PM Site has now been moved to a hosted domain as opposed to the freespace provided by an E-Mail company. What does this mean? Well for one I can now add on a forum. Also more downloads can be stored on the same server as the website. Because of this a new downloads section has been set up where a confirmation screen pops up before you can download. Please feel free to register on my Forum where I hope to have the latest information and you can have your say on all my programs, skins and spreadsheets.
22/08/06 00:29AM Wow! an update was well and truely overdue. The World Cup has been and gone, England managed to look mediocre and fell at the Quarter-Final stages again. Well done to Italy who although they didn't manage to look awe inspiring got the job done. A New Premier League season has arrived and with it the Beta of my League Ladder program, please go to the programs tab to view and download. Some progress has been made to the projects although not as much as I would have hoped. Also the new Screen Facia is almost there, just needs more sanding and repainting. See photo in Carputer section.
13/12/05 00:29AM It's nearly Christmas and the draw for the 2006 World Cup in Germany has recently been made. Which brings with it another of my spreadsheets to enable you to follow the results or to try your hand at predicting the outcome. Go to the spreadsheet tab on the left to find out more. Playlist Update is now upto version 1.04, over the next few weeks there will be a newer version soon with a name change to UpD8. Hopefully over the Christmas period I should be able to update the Screen Facia project as a slightly different approach has been made.
02/05/05 23:07PM New redesigned website, more suitable for smaller screens and with the new blue '4' logo. Also added is the Confusion Says section with the wise sayings of the confusion master.
22/02/05 22:48PM Extra category, Projects, added. These will contain the status of various projects I am working on. Carputer section has had a revamp, plus more photos added.
11/07/04 20:09PM Playlist Update Version 1.03 now available, Multiple files extensions added, unlimited subdirectories also added. Euro 2004 is now over, well done to Greece. spreadsheet will be left available for historical records.
09/04/04 21:19PM Downloads page added. Playlist Update program added to download section, with the Euro 2004 and World Cup 2002 Spreadsheets.
03/12/2003 23:16PM Euro 2004 Spreadsheet now available for download. New things to look for will be A BMW Skin for Coyote's Mediacar. A front end to MP3 carputers.
16/11/2003 22:43PM Still under construction, but we have a few more pages than before. We have a section on the computer installation in the car. At the moment is just a brief history of where it all started, however in the next few weeks instead of one rambling page it will be divided into a number of meaningful pages which will properly catalogue the install from the conception, when I was a 17 year old at school, to the current stage, including installation photos and some howto's with recommendations.
We have a section, which is a bit old now, on the 2002 World Cup in Japan. It is basically a spreadsheet which I created that allowed you to put the scores in and would calculate the points and position in the group, and would follow the tournament through to the final. This will either be replaced by or added to one for the upcoming European championships in Portugal.
The Golf section is still a very dark blank page, but will I hope eventually contain information on Golf courses I've played along with my scores and other golf related information.
The Links section is another that is yet to addressed, this of course will contain links to other sites which I find useful or interesting.
The Forum section contains a list of forums of which I am a member and also ones to which I am a Moderator.